Cory Purcell was thinking pink on Nov. 20
Purcell stopped into Reliable Motors to help celebrate Matco Tools’ effort to help make breast cancer history.
Cory and Melissa Purcell, of Harriston, along with the Matco staff and friends, have been raising funds for breast cancer research.
As an incentive should the goal be met, Cory agreed to spend the day visiting clients and business associates wearing a pink bra.
As of Nov. 20, $1,094 was raised, and so Cory Purcell ended up on tour with the bra.
Melissa Purcell said there were signs posted on the truck and notices were sent along with the monthly statements letting people know what was up and if they wanted to donate, who to contact.
That was during October, which is Breast Cancer Month.
Joining them for the event was Reliable Motors service manager Jim Dennis.
Melissa Purcell said everyone is affected by cancer and, “So far, no one was offended by a crazy guy in a bra.”
She seemed positive they would try the promotion again next year.
It seems to have the support of Matco as well.
Melissa Purcell said that being from Harriston, the pair decided to get in touch with Kim Henry with the local branch of the Canadian Cancer Society.
Henry asked if the idea would end up Matco-wide across the province.
Melissa responded that she brought up the idea at a recent meeting for an annual event.
Cory Purcell said of one shop owner in Kenilworth, Epoch’s Garage, “his wife is a breast cancer survivor, so he was really, really tickled by it.
Melissa said they had been thinking about doing something to raise funds for cancer research.
“I wanted to something a little different. We toyed with the idea last year, but nothing came from it.
We were new with our business and kind of busy. but, “Having lost an aunt to cancer recently, being October was Breast Cancer Month, this was something different. We thought the guys might be interested in donating to see something like this.
“We collected donations throughout the month of October up to Nov. 10 and made a deal that if we raised $1,000, he would wear the bra.
“Guys were throwing in change from their purchases and Matco managers kicked in the last little bit to get us over the $1,000 mark.
“Today we collected another $60 just from people seeing him today. It’s been an eye opener.”
“I’d pitched the idea to the other 37 distributors as something we might be able to do as a whole next year.”