Bocce Blasters “2015 Dream Team”

Special Olympics Ontario’s North Wellington Bocce Blasters ended their season of fun with a pot luck picnic and award presentations at Murphy Park in Mount Forest on Aug. 31.  

Approximately 20 athletes enjoyed the program this summer which included a fitness walking group as well as Special Olympics official game, Bocce Ball.

All summer games were tracked and the four athletes with the most number of wins became this season’s dream team.

This year’s dream team included Lewis Cremasco with 13 wins, Donald Way with 12 wins, Mandy Hunter with 11 wins, and Candice Schilcher with 9 wins.

Officials gave special thanks to the volunteers and to the recreation director for making sure the grass was mowed  each week at Murphy park.

Special Olympics bowling and figure skating will soon be underway for the fall and winter season. For more information on how you can become involved as an athlete or volunteer, please contact Jayne Cremasco at  519-313-0351, or visit
