CENTRE WELLINGTON — Dancers from the Blue Bonnet Lassies School of Highland dance travelled across Ontario and Canada to compete through the month of July.

Kincardine Scottish Festival – On July 8 displaying their medals are, from left, Brooke Bailey, Cayley Simspson, Harlyn Heathers, Hadley Heathers, and Maribelle McBroom.
From July 3 to 6, dancers competed in the Scotdance Canada Championship Series in Halifax Nova Scotia.
In the beginner nine years category, Scarlett Jackson placed ninth in Half Hullachan. In the beginner 10 years category Maribelle McBrook placed third in Half Hullachan.
In the intermediate 13 years category Ainsley Stewart placed fourth in Seann Truibhas, sixth in Half Hullachan, and ninth in Flora.
In the intermediate 14 and under 16 years Eila Gillies placed second in Fling, third in Flora, and fourth in Sword and Seann Triubhas.
In the intermediate 16 years and over Ella Murray placed fifth in Half Hullachan and sixth in Fling and Seann Truibhas, and Ashley Elliott placed second in Seann Truibhas, third in Fling, Sword, and Half Hullachan, fourth in Lilt, and sixth in Flora.
Shortly after on July 8, dancers competed at the Kincardine Scottish Festival.
In the beginner 8 years category Harlyn Heathers placed sixth in Fling and Sword.
In the beginner 9 and under 11 years category Cayley Simpson placed third in Fling, fifth in Seann Truibhas, and sixth in Sword; Maribelle McBroom placed second in Seann Truibhas, fourth in Flora and Fling, and fifth in Sword; and Hadley Heathers placed fifth in Fling, and sixth in Flora and Seann Truibhas.
In the beginner 11 and under 13 years category, Brooke Bailey placed first in Flora, fourth in Sword, and fifth in Fling.
The following weekend, on July 15, dancers competed at the Cambridge Scottish Festival.
In the beginner 8 years category Harlyn Heathers placed fourth in Lilt and sixth in Seann Truibhas.
In the beginner 9 years category Hadley Heathers placed fifth in Seann Truibhas. In the beginner 10 and under 12 years category placed fourth in Flora and sixth in Sword.
Coming up in August, the Blue Bonnet Lassies have 15 dances competing at the Fergus Scottish Festival.