Blood donor clinic Oct. 6

October is traditionally the month when Canadian families give thanks for many blessings – and for most, one of those blessings is health.

Anyone with questions regarding eligibility can ask for nursing when calling. The basic eligibility requirements to donate blood are:

– Must have identification, a blood donor card, or one with a photo and name, or signature and name;

– First time donors must be age 17 to 61 on day of clinic;

– Must weigh at least 110 pounds;

– No body piercing or tattooing in the last six months;

– Must be feeling well day of clinic, with no sore throat, cold, or flu; and

– 56 days since last donation

A complete eligibility as­sessment will be performed prior to donation . There is a clinic at Mount Forest recreation complex Oct. 6, 2 to 8pm. No appointment is neces­sary.

