Blessings boosts Big Brothers/Big Sisters

PALMERSTON – The Blessings to You Centre in Palmerston recently donated $3,000 to Big Brothers/Big Sisters North Wellington (BBBSNW) in support of the organization’s mentoring programs.

“Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Wellington has been making a significant difference in the lives of at-risk boys and girls between the ages of six and 18 who reside in the north Wellington region through their well-known and highly respected mentoring programs: One to One Match Program; In-School Mentoring Program; and their Groups – Go Girls and Game On,” Blessings officials state.

“The mentoring experience becomes life changing, built on friendship, trust and empowerment.” The Blessings to You Centre (Blessings Thrift and Gift Shop) in Palmerston continues to reach out to the community by supporting a wide range of worthwhile groups and organizations. After good used items and clothing are donated, volunteers process and sell these goods.  The funds generated support various needs in the local community.