The second meeting of the Blacklight 4-H Club was held on April 26 at 7pm at Mimosa Church. Madison opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge. Nevyn read the minutes of the last meeting, which were approved as read.
All members were wearing their black clothes. They put on white gloves and white socks and tried out for parts in the Cha-Cha Slide, Bones Boogie, Ballerina and the Chicken Dance.
Parts were assigned, and practice continued. Then props were put away until the next meeting, which will be on May 10. There were a lot of silly moments, laughs, and fun enjoyed by everyone. The members and leaders hope you will join them for great fantasy and entertainment when they put on their performance for the public in December.
The meeting closed with the 4-H motto.
Third meeting
The third meeting of the Blacklight 4-H Club was held on May 10 at Mimosa Church. The secretary’s report was approved as read. The press report from the last meeting was presented. Dances practice were Cha-Cha Slide, Bones Boogie, All Fly Away and Miss Kate’s ballet. We discussed the props that still need to be made. Props used tonight were put away and Lily closed the meeting with the 4-H Motto.
Fourth meeting
The fourth meeting was held on May 24. We spent the evening practicing our dances. We found more props for the dance Pretty Woman. We sorted the props and put them away in the new bins that June made for us.
We are having a lot of fun at our meetings and we hope that you will enjoy our presentations.
Madison Bartlett