FERGUS – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington hopes to match “littles” with “bigs” who share a love of video games and e-sports.
The organization is holding its first charity e-sports tournament at the BHive, inside the SkyLine Community Centre on May 7. Doors open at 10am and the games get underway at 10:30am.
The game of choice is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
“There will be different brackets and people will compete at their skill level,” said Adam Crowe, an intern at the organization.
“We hope we can recruit some ‘bigs,’ but we also want to bring people in and show them what we do. It should be a good day of fun.”
Crowe said he was interested to learn that many children waiting for a match enjoy playing video games.
As a recent graduate of the University of Guelph, Crowe said he knows there are many young adults who also play video games.
He hopes the event generates some interest in adults becoming mentors when they realize they could be matched with a “little” who shares the same interest.
“You don’t have to become a mentor to participate. We hope to get five mentors from this process,” Crowe said.
“So I want to focus on casting a wide net to get people here. Then we’ll tug on their heartstrings.”
There are 15 to 20 “littles” waiting for “bigs” in Centre Wellington, he said.
Participants are asked to pre-register, although limited walk-ins will be accepted if there’s space. There will be competitive and casual stations.
Those coming to compete pay a $10 entry fee.
Entry fees are waived for those who can provide carpooling or who can lend a piece of equipment for the cause – a large screen or game controls for example.
Organizers are also looking for donations of refreshments.
“There’s a huge audience for video games,” Crowe said, adding they hope to attract some big names for the competition.
“But I think this will have a ripple effect. Some of the people who attend might not be mentoring age – but they could be later.”
To register, visit centrewellington.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca. Anyone with questions can email info.cw@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca.