ELORA – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington (BBBSCW) raised more than $80,000 at its Big Night Out gala fundraiser on March 26 – the first in-person gala since March 2020.
The event was held at the GrandWay Event Centre in Elora with a Kentucky Derby theme.
The fundraiser helps to support the many programs that BBBSCW offers, serving approximately 250 local youth annually.
These programs are designed to assist young people facing adversity by providing a consistent and supportive mentor to form a developmental relationship.
“To be honest, our team, including me, felt shakey going in with so many things new and different,” said executive director Kristen Drexler.
“But then our guests started to arrive and they brought their smiles, enthusiasm and amazing bold outfits, fascinators and grand hats to our Derby-themed gala, and all felt right again.”
Nicole Sprig received the Outstanding Little Award while the Big Star Award went to volunteer Denis Craddock.
“This event is just as much about awareness raising as it is fundraising,” said board chair Pam Stumpf.
“We were blown away by all the sponsors and donors and we need to share the stories of impact that are happening every day with the youth we serve, so they feel pride in the difference they are making.”
At the end of the evening, Chris Mochrie of M1 Real Estate Brokerage, announced that anyone can bid on a week at their newly acquired Turks and Caicos private luxury waterfront villa for 14 guests until 4pm on April 4. All proceeds from this will help bring BBBSCW closer to its $100,000 goal.
Details on the property and how to bid can be found at https://centrewellington.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/event/time-for-turks.
To learn more about BBBS, visit https://centrewellington.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca.