Bantam champs

Bantam champs – The  Arthur Aces Bantam lacrosse team, which includes several Mapleton players,  won the Zone 8 “B” division championship in a tournament in Milton July 19 to 20. The team played its first game against Kitchener-Waterloo 2 and unfortunately came up short 5-2. Next they played a great game and won 8-5 against North Perth 1. They moved on to the semi-finals against North Perth 1, winning a hard-fought game 9-7, allowing them to move on to the championship game. They faced Kitchener-Waterloo 2 and dominated with a win of 7-2. Front row from left are: Bryan Richardson, Riley McCabe, Brandon Thring, Jack Bell, Dessy Pendergast and Cody Dyce. Back: Zach Gonzalez, Liam Prevost, Rourke Elliott, Sam Hadley, trainer Joe Thring, Andy Reid, Nathan Zeinstra, Braxton Holland, Gage Dyce, Jacob Bauman, Keyshawn Holland, coach Dan Hadley and coach Glenn Dyce. Mapleton players include: Prevost, Braxton Holland, Keyshawn Holland, Gonzalez and Reid.        submitted photo
