Star Wars-themed activities were featured on May 4 at the Palmerston branch of the Wellington…
Baron case put over until June 4 in Sarnia
The case involving a breach of trust charge against Mapleton CAO Manny Baron has been put over…
CELP class helps GRCA with spring planting
Grade 10 CELP (Community Environmental Leadership Program) students from Norwell District…
County groups receive awards for Live Free From Hunger Campaign
Each year, from January to March, student nutrition programs that receive funding through the…
Rockwood mink farm charged with 14 counts of animal cruelty
A mink ranch in Rockwood has been charged with 14 counts of animal cruelty under the Ontario SPCA…
Elora Street rebuild set to begin after Victoria Day
Reconstruction of Elora Street from Park Street to West Heritage Street in Clifford is set to begin…
Minto council approves site plan for 23-unit townhouse project
The municipality has approved a site plan for Quality Homes' proposed 23-unit townhouse project on…
Water bottle filling and drinking station to be installed in McMillan Park
After a deferral from its April 13 meeting, Erin council went forward with a decision to install a…
Quilt show
Quilts on display - The Mount Forest-based Four Corners Quilters' Guild hosted a mammoth quilt show…
OPP lay 333 charges during Highway 6 safety blitz
A two-day OPP enforcement blitz earlier this month along Highway 6, south of the Highway 401,…
Man stabbed during robbery
On March 3 at about 6:40am, Wellington County OPP responded to a report of a robbery at a business…
Elora man faces five child pornography charges
An Elora man faces five child pornography charges after the OPP's Child Sexual Exploitation Unit…
Crime of the Week
On March 31 at about 1:55am someone set fire to the outdoor patio at Harry Stone's Bar and Grill…
Close to 600 weapons recovered during gun amnesty
The OPP and municipal law enforcement partners recovered hundreds of weapons and thousands of…
Waterloo man convicted in home invasion, sexual assault
A Waterloo man has been convicted in connection with a home invasion and sexual assault here two…