Check out profiles of Perth-Wellington candidates in the upcoming Ontario provincial…
2018 Wellington-Halton Hills provincial candidate profiles
Check out profiles of Wellington-Halton Hills candidates in the upcoming Ontario provincial…
Council agrees to fund splash pad servicing
Construction of a new splash pad at ABC Park in Drayton is expected to get underway soon, after…
RBC supports local nurses
Groves Memorial Community Hospital and Palmerston and District Hospital have each received a…
Supporting nurses
Palmerston and District Hospital recently received a $10,000 donation from RBC in support of local…
Grand Quilt Guild to hold third quilt showcase
The Grand Quilt Guild is holding a showcase June 8 and 9 at the Centre Wellington Community…
Upper Grand District School Board school year calendar for 2018-19 available online
The Ministry of Education has approved the school year calendar for 2018-19 in the Upper Grand…
Whiskey Jack to perform in Fergus
For four decades, Whiskey Jack has been performing Canadian country music coast to…
Jacob Moon to perform concert for pregnancy centre
Singer-songwriter Jacob Moon will perform May 25 in…
County looking at child care spaces in Mapleton schools
This municipality is among the top priorities in a push by Wellington County's Children's Early…
Fergus water walk aims to educate students
On May 24 local students will be traversing local streets to make residents more aware of water…
Local hospitals conducting survey
Groves Memorial Community Hospital (GMCH) and North Wellington Health Care (NWHC) are seeking…
REVIEW: Holiday Inn dazzles every season
A romance for any season, Holiday Inn, brings an old-school musical feel and a parading array of…
The campaign that isn”t
Hopefully things pick up, but to date this election season has been pretty uninspiring. As part of…
Bursary/scholarship program offered at raceway
Grand River Raceway and the board of directors of the Grand River Agricultural Society (GRAS) have…