Some Wellington County fire departments took part last week in the annual convention of the Fire…
Crossover conversion
Guelph-Eramosa is advocating for pedestrian crossovers in Rockwood. At the June 11 council meeting…
Fort Hope mission to foster long-term relationship
This weekend, a group of local residents are heading north to create a lasting relationship with…
Lots to do at 159th annual Mount Forest Fair on Aug. 18
Get ready for a day for young and old at the Mount Forest Agriculture Society's 159th Family Fun…
It”s a Party in the Rockmosa Park on Aug. 2
Guelph-Eramosa held its second annual Party in the Park at Rockmosa Park in Rockwood on Aug. 2.…
Large reward offered for clues to bank robberies
A $10,000 reward has been offered for information on a bank robbery here earlier this year, as well…
Guelph-Wellington Crime Stoppers celebrates 30th year
Three decades of local crime fighting was celebrated at a 30th anniversary party here for…
MNRF lays 31 fishing-related charges over three-day blitz
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) laid 31 charges and issued 48 warnings during…
Attendance up at Sports camp in Drayton
The second annual Drayton SU Sports Camp took place July 16 to 20 at the local fairgrounds. This…
Speaker at Seniors” Centre for Excellence event offers dementia warning signs
Seniors' Centre for Excellence program coordinator Helen Edwards welcomed close to 40 seniors to a…
MPP: Arthur Tim Hortons” fire illustrates need for passage of Rea and Walter Act
Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece believes that although there was no loss of life in a July 21…
Summer swingers
Enjoying some fun on the swings on a warm afternoon at Kinsmen Park in Drayton on Aug. 2 were, from…
Ford’s fake News
Back in the 1960s Canadian communications guru Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase, and wrote a book…
North Wellington fair season begins in Drayton from Aug. 10 to 12
Fair season in northern Wellington County begins this weekend, with the 162nd Drayton Fair from…
Mapleton removes holding provision, allows accessory apartment
Council here has lifted the holding symbol on 75 Dales Drive in Drayton to allow for an accessory…