The Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce will host two all candidate meetings for the upcoming…
Correction to meeting date
In the Aug. 30 Advertiser there was an incorrect headline: "All-candidates night set for Sept. 8 at…
Summer is over
Students across Wellington County headed back to school on Sept. 4. Larry Craig, left, begins his…
Help needed for Erin community Newsletter
The online public services provided by the Erin Residents Association (ERA) could go dormant this…
Carrotman and sprouts celebrate 20th anniversary of Everdale
Carrotman - Everdale Farm near Hillsburgh celebrated the harvest season on Sept. 1 with a good…
Erin Tim Hortons hit during Aug. 29 robbery spree
An incident at the Tim Hortons restaurant in Erin last Wednesday was part of a robbery spree that…
Mapleton council rejects cannabis production facility in Drayton
Council here has declined a proposal from a trucking company to purchase land in the Drayton…
Police seek information about suspicious car fire near Elora
Police are seeking information about a suspicious car fire here last…
Respect at election time
Election season is now in full swing. Advertising pieces have already hit mailboxes and doorsteps.…
Clifford VBS participants conduct Experiments in Faith
Christian Education chair/board chair Beth-Ann Weppler presented Experiments in Faith at Vacation…
Arthritis topic at Lunch and Learn
The Seniors Centre for Excellence assistant administrator Carmela Ieropoli hosted Lunch and Learn…
OPINION: Local participation strengthens OFA organization
The strength of any organization depends on the involvement of its members in providing guidance…
Harvest celebrations
The return of Mapleton’s Harvest Festival seems like a timely and positive development for…
Local fair celebrates Autumn Treasures
The 2018 Harriston-Minto Fall Fair is set to run from Sept. 14 to 16. The Autumn Treasures theme is…
Everdale celebrates 20th anniversary with Carrot Fest
Everdale Farm near Hillsburgh celebrated the harvest season with its annual Carrot Fest on Sept. 1.…