It is said that if you do what you love in your career, the rewards will be richer than financial…
Gunn’s Limited of Harriston was embroiled in 1920s property tax dispute
A couple of times this column has dealt with the operation of the Gunn food processing plant in…
Gas plant debacle
The Auditor General’s report to the Ontario Legislature on Oct. 8 finally gave us the true…
Group thinking
In general, people’s decisions in the market are made on their own information and then, to a…
My favourite moment at the end of each day is when the Carpenter walks in the door from work.…
If they could talk
A nearby neighbour dropped in this past week and, as he had a number of places to go, he asked if I…
Many of us question just what executives actually do to warrant their huge financial rewards. Once…
My dance card
There is one event in our social calendar that the Carpenter and I don’t miss: the Monster…
Winter is coming
I was sitting comfortably on my butt a couple of days ago, in a comfy lean-back chair, out back of…
Infanticide tragedy in 1927 caused a sensation in Fergus
Late in the afternoon of March 4, 1927, three people showed up at the office of Dr. Norman Craig in…
Appearance of downtown Fergus changed dramatically in 1927
The towns and villages of Wellington County experienced some dramatic changes in the 1920s. Over…
New trade deal
On Oct. 18, the government of Canada announced an agreement-in-principle with the European Union…
Most of us are aware of the hazards of making predictions; unfortunately, economic forecasting,…
Ticktock of time
The years they come and the years they go, with the ticking of each second of time persistent. Time…
There has never been a Remembrance Day in my life that has had a greater impact on me than the one…