Despite my gentle nature, I like sports rough. Judge me if you will, but I always have. Within the…
Bowstring bridges
Just a few short weeks ago, my son and I, while poking around the back streets of a small country…
Pension Reform Continuing
Recently, many of you have voiced your concerns regarding Canada’s system of income for…
Erin minister charged with sedition in 1917
The Disciples of Christ is the name of a religious denomination that is not well known to most…
Governments trying to do exactly wrong thing for recovery
Financial markets continue to applaud the various steps that have been taken, ostensibly to counter…
White noise
Enough already. Cold and flu season be gone. I’m soooo done with you. I am not complaining. I…
Seed catalogues
There was a time in my life when I longingly awaited the seed catalogues to arrive at my door. By…
Debt clock is ticking
Somewhere at Queen’s Park, an old clock ticks as the Don Drummond report begins to gather…
Ontario finances are in shambles
In the coming weeks, the Dalton McGuinty government will release its 2012 budget. We in…
Original owner of Pike Lake faced many challenges
Pike Lake, in the upper part of Minto Township, is not known to many of the residents of Wellington…
Marital Morse code
Say what you will about technology, but I believe it may be one of the best things to happen to my…
The emperors new clothes meet some modern art
Modern art reminds us of Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Stories. There, it took a small boy…
March update
This is a rather sad and disappointing month for me, as it is the first, I believe, in at least ten…
CPR changed staffing policy after collision near Orangeville
The practice of business enterprises to reduce staff levels as an economy measure are a fact of the…
Wheat board offered farmers some efficient marketing
The dismantling of the Canadian Wheat Board by the Stephen Harper administration is very troubling…