Most of us would like to be able to rely on forecasts from an authoritative source. Predictions, of…
The Vegas Mojo
You should know by now I am a seeker of signs: purpose, life direction, meaning, location of my car…
Natural disasters
With the winter weather slacking my outdoor activities, I get a chance to catch up on some of my…
Several county hotel keepers were charged in 1897 temperance sweep
The temperance movement was a constant presence in most North American communities during the 19th…
Consumers will make do, so suppliers might start to hurt a little
Consumer-goods firms everywhere are in the middle of a very grim time. What is significant is not…
Changing times
The following letter, originally submitted by a concerned citizen, has been forwarded to me from…
Genie in a bottle
It happened. I am not proud of it. The green-eyed monster reared its ugly head and sent me into a…
Gang of pick-pockets stirred up excitement – and escaped – in 1898
The morning of Monday, April 11, 1898 began as a routine one at the Grand Trunk’s Mount…
Universities lost their way
Our universities appear to be on top of the world. It has become almost a necessity that a young…
It is with great sadness that I share the news that our family has lost our beloved dog of 15…
Has higher education joined the ranks of the rip-off artists? Are high-cost college and university…
Does province plan never ending debt fees?
After paying off your mortgage, what would you do if your bank continued to send you a bill? Anyone…
Family members of Mount Forest banker achieved distinction
The career of James A. Halsted, the Mount Forest private banker, was the subject of a column in…
Prosperity problems coming with our dollar being greatly overvalued
A recent newspaper headline, Canadian trade deficit nears record, should disturb us all and serve…
Spring Fever
Somewhere in the county there is a little, orange-breasted robin suffering post-traumatic stress…