Beginning the week of March 17, the third dose of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will…
Deadline to apply for farm grants extended to April 14
The federal government wants farmers to be aware there is a $600-million AgriInvest program…
Next Rubber Duck Race set for May 10
A plywood duck will soon be announcing the Arthur Lions Club’s next Rubber Duck Race. Jim…
4-H Spectacular Super Sewers
The first meeting of the Badenoch 4-H Club in 2008 was on Feb. 1 held at the home of Joan Law.…
27th annual Drayton Farm Show set for April 2 to 3 at PMD Arena
The Drayton Farm Show is less than two weeks away. The show, hosted annually by the Drayton…
A weekly press release prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural…
County proceeding with archives
When Wellington County expands the archives here in 2009, it will mark the end of a tenant…
Development fees still under review
Last Monday, Wellington North Mayor Mike Broomhead offered an update on proposed…
Elora Optmist Toy Show
Justin Swantston takes part in the 16th annual Elora Optimist Toy Show last weekend at the Elora…
Wellington North budget hike is 6.7%
It looks like the era of 1% tax increases is over in Wellington North. This year, council has…
County moves slowly at roads study
A letter from a Centre Wellington resident is causing some county and local politicians to refocus…
Wilkinson found Australia very interested in DNA barcoding
Perth-Wellington MPP and Minister of Research and Innovation John Wilkinson said last week…
Broomhead disappointed councils excluded from helping lobby efforts
Wellington North Mayor Mike Broomhead is ready to take a big yellow bus down to…
Suicide awareness walk is Sept. 2
Suicide rates across the world and in the local community are likely to be affected by the…
Fresh employees
As the school bells rang for the last time before summer holidays, many young people will be happy…