Ontario farmers and the Ontario Association of Food Banks have again joined forces to fight…
Police seeing big increase in drunken driving, council hears
Centre Wellington councillors heard drunken driving continues to climb despite high…
Policing in Wellington North shows drop in some crimes
Staff Sergeant Scott Smith of the Wellington County OPP is doing the rounds of presentations to…
High milers, naming impaired drivers best known OPP programs
When it comes to public awareness of Wellington County OPP programs, the Speeder of the Week…
Changes to town’s street names considered May 6
A bylaw approving changes to several street names in Erin and Hillsburgh will be considered by Erin…
Help hired for civic addressing
There are 450 properties in Centre Wellington Township that have no address at all. That is one of…
Matusinec: Where is the money for upgrades
Wellington North Township councillor John Matusinec wants to know where the money is coming from…
Mount Forest Family Health Team partners with Seniors Centre
There is a new northern venue for seniors to access seniors’ services in Wellington County.…
A different path
It’s amazing how the seasons change. The smell of spring is in the air as fields dry up and…
Appreciating farmers
News that the OMAFRA office at Wellington Place might close to make way for a new county archives…
GWTG’s On Golden Pond opens April 19
Themes of mortality, family relationships, marriage, and the generation gap all play out at Norman…
School partnership presents King David
The School of Fine Art and Music and the University of Guelph Choirs present King David,…
Two authors to launch book on April 19 at Cherry Hill Video
It took a chance meeting of two disparate characters to bring to life a book that had been…
Eagles tribute part of 175th anniversary celebration in Fergus
Eagles fan will want to mark May 9 on their calendar. That is when Charity Plus Promotions is…
Town recognizes its Wall of Famers
Terry Hryhor jokes that he used to spend so much time at the East Wellington Advisory Group…