The Centre for the Arts here is offering a night of Celtic Rock featuring Rawlins Cross. The…
Humane Society had open house
The weather co-operated by sending the sun between major thunderstorms at the Upper Credit Humane…
Minto market update indicates local initiative keeps growing
Proponents of the Minto Farmers’ Market in Clifford believe the venue is growing. Market…
Ballet students sought for December production
Live at the Hippo Pool Events continues the Nutcracker tradition in Guelph. Ballet Jörgen…
Theatre troupe presents first show of season
The Second Time Around by Henry Denker, directed by Gail Wareing-Tonizzo is the first play by the…
Public Health warns about measles exposure
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health has determined that an individual with red measles…
Eden Mills Writers’ Festival Speaker Series will feature Gwynne Dyer
Eden Mills – The Eden Mills Writers’ Festival has announced the Saturday Speaker Series…
Bitter is right
A while back we wrote about this new guy on the scene in American politics, Barak Obama, who had…
Elora Festival Singers perform Romantic Four April 25 at church
The Elora Festival Singers will perform some of the greatest romantic music ever written for…
Group learns of hens and chicks
The Harriston and District Horticultural Society met on March 10 at Harriston-Minto community…
County council agrees OMAFRA should stay in Wellington
It might take some extra work, but a new county archives can be built without moving the…
Wellington North wind generation project gaining momentum
A proposed wind energy project is gaining momentum in Wellington North Thomas Schneider, of…
Minto Arts Council offers Indigenous World View starting April 19
The Minto Arts Council is presenting a new exhibit called An Indigenous World View featuring the…
Artists’ gallery and centre opens May 3
The grand opening of the Wellington Artists’ Gallery and Art Centre will take place…
Rockwood artist will get European exposure
County music artist Alysha Brooke, of Rockwood, has just signed a major distribution deal with…