The pulverizing of the 14th Line and Concession 14 is expected to begin around July 27 and last one…
Council declares Mount Forest library building to be surplus
Consider it another page in the history of the Carnegie libraries in Wellington County. Late…
Lemonade stand makes cash for charities
When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. Or, in the case of three Fergus youngsters,…
Farmers facing harvest challenges due to rain
The rain this year has proved to be both beneficial and a real pain to farmers. While the cereal…
Municipalities unwilling to help Haldimand
Despite feeling sympathy for the victims of flooding in Haldimand County, Guelph-Eramosa…
Learning Centre receives funding to improve literacy
Ontario is expanding its literacy and basic skills programs and the Wellington County Learning…
$25,000 grant to help cover improvements at Rockmosa Park
Guelph-Eramosa councillors seemed pleased last week that a Recreation Infrastructure Canada…
Township approves demolition permit after termites hit Elora home
Centre Wellington Building Inspector Bob Foster wondered on Monday night if the county might…
Wilson foresees problems, says no need for county to get into organics
Headlines have been blaring from cities across Ontario about the problems of running…
An old buddy we e-mailed the other day responded with “HU.” After some head scratching…
REVIEW: Steel Magnolias captures essence of vivacious women
Women gather wherever they can to talk about life and work through its inevitable…
STRAY CASTS: No such thing a perfect weather for fishing on a lake
It was only recently that the Stray Caster was lamenting the heavy and consistent rainfall that had…
Festival, Singers award special volunteers
The Elora Festival and the Elora Festival Singers have presented three local people with…
Brighton Beach Memoirs Aug. 21
The final production in the Belwood summer theatre is a semi-autobiographical comedy by one of…
Museum holds annual Antique and Classic Car Show on Aug. 24
On Aug. 24, the Wellington County Museum and Archives is hosting its 33rd annual antique and…