Autumn is always a busy season at the Wellington Terrace. We are sad to see our Duet Bikes…
Over 100 people wore red shirts to support troops Oct. 10
Consider the challenge met. Janice Wilson certainly does. She issued a challenge to the residents…
Arnott salutes county for being top employer
Wellington Halton Hills MPP Ted Arnott has saluted Wellington County for earning a place in…
Model railroad display for three weekends
The Aberfoyle Junction 0-scale model railway show will be running here for the next three…
Town puts off bylaw regulating large vehicle parking until 2012
Residents looking for a resolution in regards to a zoning bylaw regulating the parking of large…
Annual assessments favoured over carbon footprint reports
While committed to improving energy efficiency, Guelph-Eramosa councillors have decided against…
Community Newspapers searching for Junior Citizen of the Year
Ontario’s community Newspapers are looking for stories in about good kids in…
Province honoured firefighters
Ontario’s fallen firefighters were honoured recently for their bravery, heroism and…
4-H milk club holds second meeting
On Sept. 24 at 7:30pm the second meeting of the 4-H Milk Makes It Better club was held at leader…
Optimists, township at odds
A proposed addition to the Moorefield Optimist Club building sparked a bit of controversy last…
Biking group, OPP take 180km tour to aid Special Olympics
There was a meeting here of cops and bikers on Friday morning, but it was all smiles and chuckles.…
Maieron: Tourism options will present tough decision for town council
Sooner or later, Erin council will have to decide to which of the province’s tourism regions…
Councillors hope bait fishing bylaw will turn the tide of local impact
Under business arising, councillors here officially endorsed a resolution it hopes will put a snag…
Mary Ann Connell has fond memories of Junior Farmers
Wellington County Junior Farmers will be celebrating their 90th anniversary on Oct. 18at the Arthur…
School surpassed target for Terry Fox Run
On Sept. 26 at 11:30am, John Black Public School students took part in their Terry Fox Run. The…