The Smiley Chimps toy drive will continue this year, collecting Christmas gifts for sick children…
University of Guelph to recieve $1.5 million over five years for Canada Research Chairs
The University of Guelph will receive $1.5 million over five years from the federal government for…
Representatives from the Town of Erin took two of 10 awards at the 2016 Headwaters Tourism Awards…
Movember”s over
Minto firefighter Cam Forbes has his Movember mustache removed by his wife, Minto deputy treasurer…
Food bank donation
Robbie Delaurier and her staff at the Palmerston Tim Hortons restaurant recently presented the…
Water, air among environment issues for province
“The Ontario public needs and deserves to be confident that our environmental protection…
Dairy group changes name after 25 years
After 25 years, Ontario Large Herd Operators has changed its name to Progressive…
Township on hook for $120,843 ‘retro’ bill
In an ironic twist, steps taken several years ago to try and save money on insurance will cost…
2 Minute Wave of Silence supported
Minto is supporting the 2 Minute Wave of Silence as part of Remembrance Day to demonstrate…
Growing Great Kids to start campaign
Early detection of developmental delays is the key to early intervention for a child. That’s…
Rockwood dam assessment
The Grand River Conservation Authority has completed a class Environmental Assessment…
Symphony sponsored
OLG (Ontario Lottery and Gaming) and its 8,000 employees are a performance sponsor of the…
Arthur downtown committee mandate adopted by council
Although Arthur village has had a downtown revitalization committee for some time, it was only…
Rural poverty problems are rooted in lack of transportation
The recent senate report on rural poverty, Beyond Freefall: Halting Rural Poverty, puts…
Halloween Dog Bite Prevention Tips
Changes in routine and the strange sights and sounds associated with Halloween can cause stress in…