Residents here have discovered that for rural garbage pickup – if you don’t use it, you…
Meal allowance to match staff
Dinner is served – again. Recently, councillors here revised its personnel policies to…
Dog lessons to aid K9 group
Patina, a Black Labrador puppy, arrives here on Dec. 6 K9 Helpers Service Dogs is a local…
Site plan for auto shop approved
Councillors here have passed a bylaw needed to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement…
Elora benefit for tot with incurable illness
She can break hearts. And also stir them. Emily McNabb is only nine months old and she is under a…
Several chairman elections at county
At the last meeting in November, county councillors announce what committee chairmanships…
Dec. 7 concert
The city is having a family-friendly rally and parade in St. George’s Square to support…
Township may lease old Mount Forest arena
A proposal to lease Mount Forest’s old arena could soon see its congregation shift from…
Trask still disputes costs of drainage plan
Council has proposed what might be called a $1,500 solution for a drainage dispute between two…
New Minto server to cost over $15,000
Councillors here recently took steps to ensure the safety of electronic data in the town with the…
School board and union settle contract for 3 of 4 groups
The Upper Grand District School Board has ratified tentative agreements reached recently with…
New RFC technical consultant
Rockwood FC announced Aaron ("Azza") Kerr as the RFC technical consultant, effective Aug.…
CW Fusion Minor Bantam AA
The CW Fusion Minor Bantam AA had another successful week, with a victory over Caledon by a score…
Season wrap up
The InterCounty Softball Association's (ISA) Arthur Atom girls finished with a perfect 16-0 season.…
Resident: Council must deliver on election promises to lower taxes
Puslinch councillors, many of whom campaigned on promises to cut taxes, have hinted they intend to…