It’s time to think CSI: Mount Forest. Residents in the Wellington North area will…
Broomhead, Maieron seek changes to county council’s budget methods
County councillor Mike Broomhead said, “We asked the same question, but he was on one…
Council making plans to stem tide of rising conservation levies
Once again, Wellington North councillors are trying to dam up a river of conservation authority…
Erin woman named president of Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
Given the 87-year history of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Gayle McPherson jokes she may…
WEB ONLY: LHIN meeting packs Harriston hall
It’s clear that northern Wellington residents are concerned with health care, the question is…
WEB ONLY: Recent cutbacks at hospitals focus need to look to future
Recent cutbacks at hospitals in Palmerston and Mount Forest proved to be a pressing issue at a…
WEB ONLY: Some hospital closures in best interest of community says Hamner
Waterloo Wellington LHIN CEO Sandra Hamner says the only guaranteed future of local health care is…
Elora Legion to hold picnic on July 26
All members of the Elora Legion and their guests are welcome to attend a free family picnic at…
Fire departments ask people to clear hydrants
During heavy snowfalls, fire hydrants can become snow covered, and to ensure safety of Centre…
Police warn against putting snow on roads
With big snowfalls, homeowners are struggling to find areas for snow when clearing…
Manderson peace bond delayed
Peace bond proceedings against Guelph blogger Bill Manderson on behalf of a Wellington County…
Area farm is growing lavender to soothe, calm and surprise
The 87 acre farm just north of here is gradually expanding its patch of purple. Farm owner Kathryn…
Email in play at county council
It was easy to tell when county council began winding down on Jan. 29 – music of…
Time to investigate
Mayor Mike Broomhead is probably wrong when he suggested on Monday night that reporters are tired…
February thaw and more
Finally, the snow is melting and the ice is starting to thaw, but very soon we can expect another…