For the second time in as many weeks, town council deferred a new taxi bylaw, citing concerns that…
Lions Clubs; trail group partner for rest seating
The Elora-Cataract Trailway Association, in conjunction with the Grand River Conservation…
Students planted 1,000 trees
On May 14, two classes of the Community Environmental Leadership Program (CELP) of the Upper…
County gets grant for Green Legacy
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Tree Canada recently announced the 23 communities…
The Stinsons: Former teachers giving back – across Canada
Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only…
Kenilworth antique store amendment approved
It looks as if a scaled back version of a commercial operation in Kenilworth is now a go.…
Farm reps all smiles with revised charges bylaw
Farm representatives were all smiles Monday night as councillors here passed a bylaw to drop…
Arthur Legion gets extended liquor licences
What’s good for one Royal Canadian Legion branch is apparently good for another. Recently the…
Ad Vox offering a day with Dr. Simon Davidson on May 19
Members of Ad Vox Wellington will present Dr. Simon Davidsons on May 19. For three years Ad Vox…
Firefighters raise cash
The Puslinch Fire Department held a community breakfast and open house at the fire hall on…
Blue box materials may be shipped off continent
That can or Newspaper dropped into a blue box here could end up in Australia, or Europe. County…
Veteran appreciation
The city is holding a veteran appreciation day on Aug. 11 at 10am. The event, presented jointly by…
Centre Wellington Township quietly growing hundreds of trees
Wellington County is well known for its tree planting programs ever since the Green Legacy…
Comment deadline on gravel pits extended until Sept. 4
The deadline for public comment on a report on aggregate extraction in the Grand River…
Looking out for kids
In recent weeks we have been reminded that life can be a tough go – and not every day is…