County council has taken seriously a suggestion that a master plan for the grounds of…
Wireless company still restructuring
Everus Communications is still working on its restructuring plan. The wireless internet provider…
Hands off hamlet boundaries: councillors
Guelph-Eramosa council has reconfirmed its stance that any significant future population growth…
Committee to change name?
The town’s fire committee name could soon be considerably longer. Deputy-mayor Judy…
Curling club will pay heating costs
While Minto will be helping the Harriston Curling Club financially to a maximum of $5,000 for…
Archives Awareness Week runs April 4 to 9 at local museum
Archives are institutions that contain historical records. Archivists select, maintain, describe,…
Townships awards of excellence set for April 28
On April 28, the Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual awards of excellence.…
Survey shows gap between rich and poor grows
The Guelph Community Foundation put a spotlight on the area’s pressing issues and announced…
Driving to Success at the Ontario Young Farmers’ Forum
Young and future Ontario farmers are looking for new ideas and advice in developing their…
New programs offered for pork producers
As of Oct. 5 Canadian pork producers can start applying for government-backed loans. The federal…
Wellington North appoints new economic development committee members
by Mike Robinson Councillors here have approved two new members to Wellington North’s…
Food for body and soul offered Nov. 13 to 15
A new program at the Ignatius Jesuit Centre here promises to be a scrumptious hit. Food for…
Palmerston cenotaph relocation reviewed
Councillors here are still considering relocation of the Palmerston cenotaph to a more visible…
Free family information fair is Oct. 31
A Family Information Fair slated for Oct 31 here at the Sportsplex. It is a free event open to all…
Minto residents Telling Tales this weekend
As local residents are out telling tales this weekend, it will be to enrich Minto’s heritage…