Wellington North councillors recently agreed to consider revamping of all its committees.…
A fine kettle of fish
We have long maintained that the countryside would be far better off if it could distance itself…
OPP Auxiliary Honour Guard
Every year on Nov. 11, Canadians pause in a silent moment of remembrance for the men and women who…
Township wants clarification on OPP foot patrols
It’s not so much an issue of how much, but when. Inspector Scott Smith, Wellington…
Remembrance Week
Councillors here recently approved a request to declare the week of Nov. 8 to 14 as Remembrance…
Marketplace expansion approved by council
Guelph-Eramosa council has approved a zoning bylaw amendment that will permit the expansion of the…
Kids fair
Dozens of kids and parents attended the third annual Family Information Fair. Barbara…
Rural Water Quality Program celebrates ten years of improvements
Over 70 people gathered at the community centre here on Oct. 28 to celebrate the tenth…
Familiar faces running in Wellington-Halton Hills
People attending federal all candidates meetings in the Wellington-Halton Hills riding can be…
Currently four candidates in Perth-Wellington riding
With campaigns gearing up across Canada for a May 2 election, this riding is no exception, as signs…
Council allows grow op house demolition
Councillors here had a first hand look on April 11 at the effect that operating a marijuana growing…
Possible prank proves pricey
Unknown individuals hanging a banner on the Arthur water tower has resulted in a hefty cost…
Master plans being prepared for towns
It will cost over $100,000 to cover expenses for master plans for water and sewer servicing in…
Perth County resolution reNews local council’s concerns
Perth County concerns with provincial assessment information seems to mirror Wellington…
Wellington County sees vaccine shortages; hears of emergency plans
County councillors here learned Oct. 29 there are plans to ensure continuity of services…