Savvy drivers recognize that maintenance is essential to keeping their vehicles running strong for years on end.
Four reasons to skip topping off your tank
The familiar click of the nozzle when filling up at the gas station is recognizable to anyone with a few miles of driving under their belt.
Recognizing potential brake problems early helps drivers avoid costly accidents
Maintaining a vehicle is more than just a way to protect one’s financial investment. Maintenance can protect against accidents and make the road safer for drivers and their passengers as well as fellow motorists.
The importance of routine vehicle maintenance
Owning a car is a big responsibility.
Tire check-up key for driving safety
When warm weather arrives, many people enjoy a collective sigh of relief.
Province provides recovery funds to public hospitals
SCARBOROUGH - The Ontario government is providing over $1.2 billion to help Ontario’s public hospitals recover from financial pressures created and worsened by COVID-19. This investment will ensure hospitals can continue to provide the high-quality patient care Ontarians need and deserve.
Ontario Federation of Agriculture commissions study of carbon tax impact on agriculture industry
GUELPH – The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) has engaged Agri-Food Economic Systems to conduct a financial assessment and analysis of the potential cost the federal carbon tax burden will have on Ontario’s agriculture industry.
Analysis shows Canadian farm income on track for record year
OTTAWA - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has completed an analysis of farm income for 2020 and 2021, and the results show Canadian farm income and the value of farms is expected to be at an all-time high.
OMAFRA Report: Time to think about underseeding Red Clover into winter wheat
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
4-H Acrylic Painting Club holds meetings
WELLINGTON COUNTY – This year we are following health guidelines and having our 4-H meetings…
Guelph Arts Council announces virtual Art on the Street
GUELPH - The 19th annual Art on the Street will be hosted online again this year by the Guelph Arts Council (GAC) and the Downtown Guelph Business Association (DGBA).
National challenge launched to promote vaccine confidence
OTTAWA - Getting a vaccine is one of the best ways to protect against COVID-19 and other serious infectious diseases.
Elora and Salem Horticultural Society planning ‘Great Gardens’ contest
ELORA - We are just entering the spring equinox for 2021 and it is time to think about our gardens for this year.
CVC affirms commitment to engage with Indigenous people
MISSISSAUGA – Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) is committed to learning, growing and taking steps on the path toward reconciliation together with Indigenous nations, communities and peoples connected to the Credit River and surrounding watershed.
New mental health and wellness supports for CAS-involved youth
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Parents and youth involved with the Children’s Aid Society now have additional mental health resources to support them in the pandemic.