39th Terry Fox Run was held in Erin

Terry Fox Run – The 39th Terry Fox Run was held in Erin on Sept. 18. It was the first in-person run since 2019. On hand were 46 participants and 12 volunteers from the Erin Optimists.

5th annual Pedal for Portage raises $28,000

Productive pedalling – Roughly 50 cyclists turned out for the 5th annual Pedal for Portage event on Sept. 17, raising $28,000 for Portage, an organization that provides rehab for youth with addictions.

Lawn bowling club gets new lighting

Let there be light – The Elora Rocks Lawn Bowling Club has new lights, thanks to a $102,000 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Mental wellness in farming communities

In June 2021, the Suicide Awareness Council Wellington Dufferin had a working group that partnered with farmers to create a magazine called Grounded (https://sacwd.ca/content/working-groups/grounded_v3_final_revised_small.pdf).