GUELPH – The Upper Grand District School Board is expecting to confirm the boundary for the new elementary school in Fergus at a board meeting Feb. 11.
Mapleton approves zoning change for Drayton retail store, hobby barn
MAPLETON – Council here has approved a zoning change to permit a retail store and hobby barn with highland cows at 75 John St. in Drayton.
Mapleton welcomes new deputy treasurer
MAPLETON – Following the retirement of former deputy treasurer Heather Trotter in December, Mapleton Township has hired a new full time staffer.
UGDSB activates loan for new school
GUELPH – The Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB) has approved the activation of a loan of up to $18.6 million at the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC).
Highlights from Catholic school board’s student census
GUELPH – Students in kindergarten through Grade 12 at the Wellington Catholic District School Board participated in a census in April.
UGDSB to review French immersion program
GUELPH – Officials at the Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB) are set to hire an outside organization to review the board’s French immersion program.
Catholic board applies for zoning change for new school
MAPLETON – The Wellington Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) has applied for a zoning amendment to allow for the construction of an elementary school and day care at 7 Green St. in Drayton.
Homeowners apply for rezoning regarding Drayton severance
MAPLETON – A severed lot in Drayton may be rezoned from future development to residential to allow the construction of a house.
School board chair was wrong: recording meetings is permitted
GUELPH – During a Wellington Catholic District School Board meeting on Jan. 13, a parent delegate used their cell phone to record an apology from associate director Tracy McLennan.
UGDSB releases accessibility standards policy for public feedback
GUELPH – The accessibility standards policy at the Upper Grand District School board has been updated and released for public feedback.
Committee members, chairs, external board members appointed at UGDSB
GUELPH – During its first meeting of the year, the Upper Grand District School Board confirmed committee rosters for the year and appointed committee chairs and external board members.
Students raise $176,000 at Beyond Borders charity gala
GUELPH – The River Run Centre was abuzz with excitement on Jan. 18, with hundreds of people dressed in their formal best to support a student-run fundraiser for the Children's Foundation of Guelph and Wellington, the Make Your Mark Foundation, and the Beyond Borders program.
UGDSB approves new school naming policy despite public feedback
GUELPH – An updated policy on naming schools and board facilities has been approved by the Upper Grand District School Board.
Unions blame provincial funding, board changes for UGDSB’s financial strains
GUELPH – Upper Grand District School Board director Peter Sovran says the board is facing financial pressure and he has pointed to staff absences as a cause. But union officials say the problem is inadequate funding and overworked, under-resourced educators.
Schofield’s mother files complaint against OPP with oversight agency
GUELPH – The mother of an Arthur man who died in police custody has filed an official complaint against the OPP. Nathaniel Schofield, 36, died on July 10 after spending a night at the Wellington OPP station in Rockwood.