DRAYTON – The Drayton Chop House is once again providing a local dining option for area residents.
Animal control services agreement approved by Town of Minto
MINTO – A new three-year contract for animal control services has been approved by town council.
Mapleton backs call to reverse strong mayor powers
MAPLETON – Township council has voted to support a resolution asking the provincial government to reverse its recent implementation of “strong mayor” powers in some Ontario municipalities.
Town backs higher tax credit for firefighters
MINTO – Town council here is supporting a resolution calling on the federal government to increase a tax credit for volunteer firefighters.
Local resident creator of concept image for Alma park project
ALMA – Plans for a covered multi-purpose pad at Wallace Cumming Park here have attracted considerable interest locally since proposed at a recent meeting of the local parks and recreation committee.
Municipal elections matter to everyone
No matter the level of government, during each term of office decisions will be made that eligible voters will agree or disagree with, often strongly.
Park progress at Drayton Rotary Park
Park progress – Development continues at Drayton Rotary Park. The new nature-focused, accessible,…
Pride decorations vandalized, more damage threatened online
MINTO – While upset with damage to decorations set up for Pride Month (June), local Pride committee members are pleased with the support shown from their community in response to the vandalism.
Mapleton petitioning province for licensed childcare funding
MAPLETON – Township officials are inviting local residents to join a campaign to press the province on local options for licensed child care.
Inviting lighting in Tannery Park
Inviting lighting – Lit with glowing globes and seasonal lighting, the path through Tannery Park…
Harriston welcomed Santa Claus to town in grand style
MINTO – The Harriston Santa Clause Parade was held on Nov. 20. The well-attended parade…
Halloween Haunt brought out the fun
Halloween haunters – All dressed up and ready for the Halloween Haunt in Harriston on Oct. 29…
Mapleton council ponders changes to township’s procedural bylaw
MAPLETON – A provision to allow citizens to address council in timely fashion regarding items on their meeting agenda could be part of a revised procedural bylaw in the works for the township.
Improv theatre
Area residents were invited to participate in an evening of improv and theatre games at the…
Music in the Park
Tailored Films and Gisha Productions Inc. presented Music in the Park, a Town of Minto Culture Days…