One of the key aspects to my successful relationship with my spouse, the Carpenter, is my ability to knock this emotionally grounded man temporarily off kilter. It’s my love language and I express it well.
I do not enjoy grocery shopping because I do not enjoy cooking. Well, to be fair, I do enjoy cooking if I have time and resources to do it properly. I rarely have either, and almost never both at the same time.
Every two years, I prioritize my eye exam. By that I mean, the nice office administrator of my optometrist office calls to remind me it’s time to book my check-up, then books the appointment, and then calls me to remind me to show up for said appointment. And I do.
It’s not every day my son asks to hang out with me, so when he does I cancel everything and make time.
When you move to a new home in the winter season, there isn’t much opportunity to meet your neighbours.
This is an interesting long weekend. Valentine’s Day and Family Day. One thing leads to another, if you catch my drift. What? I’m just pointing out the obvious.
I keep hearing the Steve Miller Band song, Fly Like An Eagle, in my head.
This week I learned that it is impossible to make the universal angry hand gesture, the one-finger salute (you know the one), when you’re wearing mittens.
“You look tired,” she said.
I’m superstitious. I really am.
I was only trying to help; I just happened to marry a man who does not want my help at the times when I genuinely feel I would be most helpful to him. That’s what makes our life together so much fun. Ask him, he’ll tell you.
Here we are again: a new year upon us and an uncertain world to navigate.
This Christmas, the gift that I’m most grateful for was not one wrapped and placed under the tree. Things didn’t make this holiday special for me; friends did. Kindness and inclusion are the acts that I will remember.
Snow pants
Dear Santa, I think we need to talk about what happened last Christmas. As you know, there was no Toyota 4Runner in my driveway on Christmas morning. I thought we had an understanding?
Fat chance
There is a quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi: “If you don’t ask, you don’t get it.” I’m not sure that was Gandhi’s exact wording, and I’m not sure he would appreciate my use of the phrase, but I thought I’d test this theory out with my spouse this Christmas.