Heckle: Notes From The Peanut Gallery is the first comprehensive book on the art of heckling.
Heckle covers the history of heckling – the act of speaking out in disagreement – and takes the reader through its influences on Sports, politics and entertainment.
Written with humour, this lively eBook is for those in the public eye or those interested in audience behaviour.
Heckle: Notes From The Peanut Gallery is a $9.95 eBook, approximately $20 paperback and available from the following on-line retailers: Apple iBookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, NOOKbook Store, Sony Reader Store, Kobo, Copia, Gardners, Baker & Taylor and eBookPie.
Author Michael Schultz is a freelance educator and writer living in Acton. His blog features guest appearances by those who have faced hecklers. For more information visit www.mikeschultz.org or Hecklethebook@gmail.com.