Of tractors; machinery; farm miscellaneous; for Daryl and Brenda Shoemaker to be held at 6730 8 Line West, Centre Wellington (beside Bethel Mennonite Church) on:
Saturday April 5 at 10:00 AM
Tractors: 2012 Case IH 140 Puma 4wd 19F,7R, has loader mounts – 1970 hours; 1998 Case IH CX90 2wd with 5000 hours; 2014 Case IH 85C with Quike Q46 S/L loader with soft ride; 1969 Case 930 Comfort King diesel with 5300 hours; 1966 Case 430 gas triple range; 1951 Case DC4 new rubber; set of duals18.4×42; set of duals18.4 x 30 with new rubber. None of the tractors have DEF.
Note: For a full list see or last weeks issue.
Auctioneer: Jantzi Auctions Ltd.
Wellesley | 519 656 3555
online auctions
Helen O’Shea Moving Auction – Guelph
– March 30th – April 3rd
Bid on a 1984 bronze statue of James Earle Fraser, a 1930s electric guitar, a 40″ C450 acoustic guitar, a vintage Ligna-tone mandolin, an antique violin, an Italian-made Mundinger accordion, electronic drums, a few amplifiers & more items.
The Estate of Patricia Bouweraerts –
Fergus – March 30th – April 3rd
Bid on a 2006 Toyota RAV4, a collection of vintage items, fine furniture, signed and numbered artwork including framed pictures by Frank C. McCarthy, kitchen appliances and more.
- Moving Auction for Ron & Cathy Hillis – Cambridge (April 6 – 10)
- Plauntz Downsizing Auction – Waterloo (April 6 – 10)
- Mopar Icons Auction: ’50 Imperial & ’82 Cordoba – (April 13)
- The Estate of Barbara Rogers – Ancaster (April 20 – 24)
- Estate of Melville Mawdsley – Oro-Medonte (April 27)
- Hegedeus Downsizing Auction – Burlington (April 27 – May 1)
Sell with us!
Don’t forget about our low 5% Buyer’s Premium and $400 cap
Kidd Family Auctions is proud to reunite with Highland Farms for another impressive sale, featuring everything from heavy machinery to essential tools! Whether you’re managing a farm or tackling weekend projects, you’ll find something for every task.
Lots begin closing at 5pm on Apr 18th. Preview on auction day, 10am-4pm.
Please respect the owner’s property and do not show up outside of the agreed upon times!
Pick up and preview at Highland Farms, located at 300141 Rd 180, Proton Station, Ontario, N0C 1L0.
Featuring: Pronovost PGV1202TRC Snowblower; 2005 Lode King B-Train; 1999 REMTEC New Safe Tanker; Wilson Step Deck w/ Equalizer Ramps; 2015 Rogator Sprayer model RG100B; Bearco Landscape Trailer w/ Ramp Gate; 2000 Temisko Flatbed Trailer w/ 4800 Gal Poly Tank; Magnum Gold 4000 Hot Water Pressure Washer (new); Vredo / Nuhn Liquid Injectors; 1000L Tote w/ Alum Cage; Fork Lift; Trailer Frame; Back Racks; Injectors; and much more!
Are you interested in absentee bids or signing up for our referral program?
Give us a call at 519-288-2228 to get started!
Call, text or email anytime!!
Office Phone Number: 519-288-2228
For the Estate of the Late Mike Gahan
Saturday, April 5th at 10:00 a.m.
(Preview Friday April 4th from 11:00 to 3:00 p.m. only)
Located at 396 Concession #4 Lane, York, (N0A 1R0), Haldimand County. From Binbrook take Hwy 56 south, approximately 3 miles. (Watch for signs)
Consisting of approx. 250 round bales of hay, Tractors – Pick-up – Haying– Tillage – Livestock Equipment, Misc. Household and Shop Items
{This is a good clean offering of midsize tractors & equipment – Shedded}
– Tractors – Skidsteer – M.F. 481– 4 x 4 with 920 Loader (5260 hrs) with shuttle trans, M.F. 481 4 x 4 cab 1708 hrs 18.4 x 30 tires, M.F. 4609 4 x 4 power shuttle (3350 hrs) 936 Loader, M.F. 593 4 x 4 cab 1407 hrs 18.4 x 34 tires, M.F. 265 2 x 2 with M.F. 100 Loader 6 ½’ bucket, N. H. L255 Diesel Skid Steer with bucket and QT bale fork, (2225 hrs), misc. loader attachments, QT single and double bale forks, QT manuer fork and 80” Q.T. material bucket, Toro Zero turn 36” Lawn Mower
– Haying – Tillage – Equipment – GehL T.D.C. 1475 round baler, J.D. 630 Mo–Co disc bine (like new), G.T.H. 4121 Kuhn 10’ masterdrive rake, 2-24’ x 9 mesh floor wagon on floatation tires, Q.A. bale squeeze, 3 P.T. H. hyd bale unroller – Kongskilde 14’ vibro-till cult and rolling harrows, ,Int 520 15’ wheel disc, White 30’ 250 gal boom sprayer, M.F. 33 – 17 run drill with grass & fert, 3 P.T.H. Fert spreader, 2–4 F Kvernland 16” s.m. plows – approx. 250 round bales of first cut hay 2024 shedded
– Misc. Equipment – H. D. Gravity Box & Wagon, Tandem super tilt hyd dump trailer 10’ x 6’, GehL 325 Tandem spreader with tail gate & beaters, N.H. mix mill with unloading auger, 7’ 3 P.T.H. V-balde, 4 section harrows & bar, 10’ pull type double roll packer 8’ box scrapper & teeth (as new), 7’ 3 P.T.H. blade, 48’ x 6” P.T.O. transport Auger, Danuser P.T.O. Auger 12’”– 14” Augers, Lucknow 7’ double Auger snowblower, Shaver 3 P.T.H. post hole driver, Woodsman 30” 3 P.T.H. Buzz Saw, Pittfire 230 3 P.T.H. Log splitter vertical, Misc. 4” grain augers, Stockman 3000 seed tote (for forks), barn scale, 6’ 3 P.T.H. flail mower – 2 – Butler 5 ring grain bins
– Livestock Equipment & Trailers – Truck – Approx. 20 diamond steel gates 8’ – 18’, Cattle Squeeze & Head Gate, crowding tub, 10’ trail type hay feeder (needs floor), 3 metal bale feeders 12’ x 6’, 3 – 12’ x 5’ steel water troughs, 2 – steel creep feeders, new roles of barb wire and page fencing, Electric fencing and steel posts – 2022 10’ x 5’ Tandem flat bed trailer, 2017 16’ x 7’ tandem flat bed, 8’ single axle trailer with 2’ sides, 1999 Chev. 1500 gas pickup 190,500 (orig. kms), qty of used hydro poles various lengths
Shop & Household – 225 amp welder, 32” Antique anvil, pressure washer, wheel barrows, Alum Ladders, Floor drill press, 12 ton H.D. press and stand, Oxy-Acet torches & tanks, cut-off saw, nut & bolt bins, Large selection of chains, Forks –Shovels, power and hand tools, chain saws, bench grinder, tool boxes, (etc)
–8 pc dining suite, wagon load of misc household and some antique items, glass and China etc.
Many more related items to choose from.
Terms: Cash – Cheque (with proper I.D.) – Interac® – 3% premium on VISA® and MC (Full payment due day of sale)
Owner or auctioneers are not responsible for any accidents or property loss.
For Some Photos and Full List Check:
Jim McCartney Auction Service Ltd.
(905) 516-3202 or (905) 689-8778 (Waterdown)
Unreserved, Online Only Auction selling for GEORGE DEWAELE of Norwich, ROBERT HAMILTON ESTATE of Vanessa, local Franchise dealers, local farmers, secured creditors, consisting of tractors, construction equipment, farm equipment, antique equipment & miscellaneous. All items located at SUNRISE EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS located at 593249 Oxford Rd 13, Norwich, ON.
Viewing Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm.
TRACTORS: 2 (two) Case IH Magnum 180’s; JD 7240 & ldr; Case IH MXU110 & ldr; JD 6430; NH 6050 & ldr; NH TS100; MF 6150 & ldr; JD 6300; JD 1630; AC 185; MF 135 & ldr; 2 (two) IH 140; IH 674 & ldr; IH 966. Check Nextlot for updates and info added daily.
INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT: 2022 Case TV350B track skid steer; 2 (two) Case 40XT skid steers; TCM 2500 forklift; JD 410G TLB, 4wd; 2019 JD 26G mini-ex; ride on skid steer. Check Nextlot for updates and info added daily.
TRUCKS & TRAILERS FROM SECURED CREDITOR: 2 (two) 2016 Volvo’s; 2017 Freightliner; 2006 Wilson 48’ aluminum step deck; 2 (two) Reitnour 48’ aluminum step decks; 3 (three) 2007 48’ aluminum flat bed trailers; 2023, 2021 Hyundai 53’ dry van trailers; 4 (four) 2017 Stoughton 53’ dry van trailers.
EQUIPMENT: RJ 40’ hyd. fold sprocket packer; Pottinger Novacat front mower; Pottinger Novacat rear mower set; Case IH 34’ crumbler; AWS 35’ air reel; 2021 Brillion SS10 grass seeder; Case IH 330 Turbo-Till, 34’; 2019 Igli 11’ high speed disc; JD 7000, 8 row corn planter, narrow, end tow; NH 195 tandem spreader; JD 425, 36 plate offset disc; Precision 500 gallon sprayer, 60’ boom; Stoll 781 Hydro rake; Ficklin 4500 double bin gravity box; JD 1113 seed drill; 2021 Case IH SB541 square baler; Case IH SBX540 square baler & thrower; Kuhn VB2160 round baler; Case IH 454 round baler; Pottinger 7.45M HIT800AZ tedder; 2020 Woodland WC88 woodchipper, like new; duals; weights. Check Nextlot for updates and info added daily.
TRAILERS: 2023 Eby 20’ livestock aluminum trailer; 2021 Brandt UPR1124 trailer, tandem duallies; several other utility & enclosed trailers. Check Nextlot for updates and info added daily.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLES: 2018 Bobcat 3650D utility vehicle, snowblower, mower, bucket, 615hrs; 2 (two) Yamaha Grizzly 4 wheelers. Check Nextlot for updates and info added daily.
VIEWING & PICKUP: Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Loading Wednesday April 9th to Friday April 11th from 9:00am to 3:30pm, Saturday April 12th from 9:00am to 12:00pm, Monday April 14th to Friday April 18th from 9:00am to 3:30pm.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a nice way to start the year, a fantastic variety. Everything sells UNRESERVED. This is a partial listing ONLY! Many, many other items not listed! Viewing Monday to Friday 9-4 now until Sale date.
TERMS: A 5% Fee applies to all items to a maximum $2,000 (Buyer’s Premium & Internet Fees) per item. Payments will be received by cash, cheque, debit, credit, certified cheque or bank draft, E-Transfer & Wire Transfer (a three percent charge will apply to all credit card payments $2000 and above). Payments are due by 3:30pm on April 10th. Invoices will be emailed out after the auction closes! If needed, financing MUST be prearranged prior to bidding. Items to be removed by Friday April 18th, with paid invoices only. Auctioneer has described all items to the best of their ability with information provided by consigners. Owners and Auctioneers are not responsible for accidents during viewings or loading. Auctioneers are not responsible for items not picked up after final loading day. A storage fee of $25/day will be applied to items if not picked up by April 18th.
TOM HAMULECKI 519-421-6957
MIKE HAMULECKI 519-535-0202
AUCTION OFFICE 519-424-1562