The Guelph Arts Council is inviting applications for its Jane Graham memorial award.
Any visual artist residing and actively practising in Guelph or Wellington County and who can demonstrate a commitment to professional artistic development is eligible to apply for funding to pursue professional development opportunities
Specific activities that will be considered include a course, conference, apprenticeship, field trip, or professional development experience that can be shown to contribute to the personal artistic growth of the applicant.
The application deadline is Sept. 9 and there is $700 available this year.
The award was created in 2006 in memory of Jane Graham. She was an artist in the Guelph area prior to her death in 2005.
With donations in her memory, Guelph Arts Council created the memorial fund at The Guelph Community Foundation and, with the income, now it offers an award for visual artists.
To date, awards have been presented to: print maker Julie Nieuwenkamp and visual artist Carolyn Meili in 2010, figurative painter Meredith Blackmore in 2009, painter Janet Stanley in 2008, artist blacksmith Graeme Sheffield in 2007 and ceramic artist Chris Hierlihy in 2006.
Applicants must complete an application form available from the Guelph Arts Council office or from For more information call 519-836-3280 or email