ARTHUR – The grand opening of the Arthur Public School (APS) primary playground was celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 18.
Through various fundraisers and donations by the community, businesses and service clubs, the school was able to fund the installation of the play structure.
The two cornerstone donations were from Cachet Homes giving $25,000, followed by the Township of Wellington North providing community grant funding of $12,500, stated officials.
The Optimist and Lions clubs of Arthur also donated $2,500 each, along with several others.
In-school fundraisers were held and supported by community families and staff. APS principal Marni Barrow, past vice principal Alan Gouk, current vice principal Anika McCabe and the school’s council members have been instrumental throughout the extensive process, stated playground chair Crystal VanGerven.
“We’re amazed with the support of the community and we want to thank everyone in Arthur and area who helped us get here.”