Arthur library ‘a real hit in the village’ says Mayor

Well­ington North Mayor Mike Broomhead believes Arthur’s new library and medical centre is making an impression on the local community.

In a recent update to council, he said the work on the finishing touches “is going quite well.”

He was at a recent meeting on site which included the contractor and county representation. “There was a few issues, but certainly nothing major.”

Broomhead compared it the situation of any new building, where there are items which need to be changed or altered.

“On the whole, I’m pretty happy,” Broomhead said.

“I was just pleased as all get out with the medical centre.”

He noted that by the first week of the building opening, there were pictures on the wall – first baby, first blood test, first patient etc.

“Now that all the furniture is­ in, it looks like a whole different place. It’s quite outstanding.”

He said that the library has created quite an interest.

On his last visit, he noted that the chairs in front of the fireplace were occupied.

In the children’s area, Broom­head said there were six or seven kids in there with parents reading books to them.

“It’s been a real hit in the village of Arthur.”

