Arthur Fall Fair introduces 2024 ambassador candidates

ARTHUR – The Arthur Fall Fair will crown its ambassadors on Sept. 8, the last day of the four-day fair. 

The candidates this year are Zoey Gimblet and Haylie Smith. 

Zoey Gimblet

Gimblet is the 19-year-old daughter of Will and Deb Gimblet, who resides near Arthur. 

She earned her Ontario Secondary School diploma from Wellington Heights in 2022. 

Gimlet attended Georgian College in Owen Sound and graduated with her diploma of Arts and Technology in early childhood education. 

Her future plan is to continue in this field. 

Gimlet’s  interests are reading, walking her dog and playing slo-pitch. 

Asked why she wants to be ambassador of the fair, she said as a child she was always excited for the ambassador to come to her school and always looking up to them, thinking they were a princess. 

Now, she wants to be an ambassador for her dream to come true and she would love to have a bigger impact in her community. 

The Arthur Lions Club is proud to be Zoey’s sponsor, officials say.

Haylie Smith

Smith is the 17-year-old daughter of Ryan and Brea Smith of Arthur. 

She is a graduate of Norwell District Secondary School and in September will be continuing there in her “victory lap.” 

Her post-secondary school plans are to study kinesiology to become a specialized sports physiotherapist. 

Smith’s interest are hockey, softball, travelling, cooking and baking. 

Asked why she wants to be ambassador of the fair, she replied she wants to engage in her Arthur community as well as other local communities, learn to network with others, develop leadership skills and share her passion for the fair with her peers. 

Smith is proudly sponsored by the Arthur Optimist Club, officials say.

The Arthur Fall Fair takes place the weekend after Labour Day, from Sept. 5 to 8.

The theme is Corn Stalks and Autumn Walks.

“Starting with the kick-off beef supper on Sept. 5 to the crowning on Sun., Sept. 8, there is something for everyone,” officials state. 

Full details are on the ag society website and in fair books, available at local businesses.