Arthur area bowlers raise $12,978 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Wellington

This year’s final Bowl for Kids Sake for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) North Wellington was held on March 1 with Arthur and community attending.

The combination of 34 and 144 bowlers raised a total of $12,978 that day.

Organizers offer special thanks to all who supported the Hawaiian Luau theme – the Alma Optimists even decorated their lanes with palm trees and parrots.

Five schools participated in the school challenge – Kenilworth Public School, Minto-Clifford Public School, St. John Catholic School, St. Mary Catholic School, and Wellington Heights Secondary School.

The participants included 396 bowlers ranging from kindergarten to Grade 12 and raised a total of $4,001.

Organizers also thanked all the teachers who took the time to organize the outing and Jim Hunter, of Brenmar Transit Inc., for providing bus transportation.

To date the North Wellington group has raised $48,652. BBBS of North Wellington thanked those who bowled, provided a donation, door prize, or lane sponsorship.

Teri Dykeman added “We have such a wonderful supportive community and I would like to thank the Bowl for Kids Sake committee members who provide all of the leg work and organization for this event … without them this task would be unmanageable”

BBBS North Wellington is always looking for new members to join the Bowl for Kids Sake committee.

For more information call 519-323-4273.

“As always, a special thank you to Roger and Ivan Lawrence of the Mount Forest Bowling Centre for allowing us to practically move in for the month of February.”
