Arnott: Government must respond to Childrens Aid Societies

The Dalton McGuinty Liberals are not giving Children’s Aid Societies – and the vulnerable children they serve – the attention they need, according to Wellington-Halton Hills MPP Ted Arnott.


“This government must sit down with the Ontario Asso­ciation of Children’s Aid Soci­eties and take seriously their budget concerns,” he said.  “Protecting children should be one of government’s most im­portant responsibilities.”

Funding shortfalls have been a major problem for societies across Ontario, over 40 of which were left with de­fi­cits of over $32.5-million.  Family and Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County is reporting a projected deficit of $329,000, while the Halton Children’s Aid Society (CAS) is expecting a deficit of $600,000.

On Tuesday, Arnott met at Queen’s Park with repre­senta­tives from both organizations.

“These organizations are telling us they have no more room to cut,” said Mr. Arnott.  “Their caseload is increasing, and they don’t deserve to have the government point the finger at them.”

In fall 2009, an unpre­ce­dent­ed 37 Children’s Aid Soci­eties requested a formal review, also known as a Section 14 review, of their budgets.  Under that legal procedure, a court reviews a government decision to ensure that it has complied with the law.

Children’s Aid Societies have a legislated responsibility to provide front-line care for vulnerable children.

“The McGuinty Liberals spent a billion dollars on its notorious eHealth scheme, with very little to show for it,” said Arnott.  “Meanwhile our local Children’s Aid Societies are going without the support they need.  It’s time this government readjusts its priorities.”

