Area canvassers garner $53,802 for diabetes

Even in these economic times, hundreds of dollars were collected during the residential door-to-door campaign for the North Perth – North Wellington Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association.

Starting in mid-October just after Thanksgiving, committed volunteers started knocking on doors in the branch area, which extends from Clifford to Alma and Dundalk to Mitchell. The convenors counted on hundreds of people to canvass for the cause to raise money for diabetes research, programs and services.

The canvassers, in turn, count on thousands of neighbours to reach into their wallets to choose a donation to help fund a cure. Those research dollars translate into a better life for friends, neighbours and family members all across Canada.

The Canadian Diabetes Association is leading the fight against diabetes to help Canadians live longer, healthier lives all while working towards a future without diabetes.

Local chairman George Van Ankum and residential campaign co-convenors Alice Van Ankum and Irma Ternan have totalled the amounts collected in the branch area of North Perth – North Wellington and found it resting above the projected $50,000 – at $53,802.

For more information regarding diabetes, contact Alice Van Ankum at the branch office at 94B Elora St. S. in Harriston or  519-338-3181 or
