Area author holds new book release

Author and illustrator Rene Meshake has an­nounced the launch of his second children’s book Mocca­sin Creek.

"I am probably the only Ojib­we language speaker in Guelph and the only Aboriginal author and illustrator,” he said. “Moccasin Creek is unique for several reasons: I wrote the story, did the illustrations, did the graphic design and included some Ojibwe language within the English text. We need more Aboriginal publishers in Can­ada. For now, I will continue to publish independently."

 The book will be launched in and around Guelph at:

– Hillside Festival, Saturday July 25 at 1pm;

– Turtle Dove Native Gifts, in St. Jacobs, Aug.2, noon to 5pm; and

– Eden Mills Writers Festi­val, Sept. 20, (at the Adisokaun stage).


