April showers

“April showers bring May flowers.” So it is said and so it is hoped for, but by the time you unfold your paper to read this configuration of the 26 letters of the alphabet, April will be approaching the past. The year 2013 will have one-third vanished. “Gone with the wind” of both March and April, you may well say.

At the time of this writing, the sun was shining brightly and warm, though the crisp air chilled the hands quickly if gloves were not worn. As I checked the live traps that I have set here and there along the predator-fenced free-range area, I could see that the daffodils tucked in along the base of the fence were shooting their long flower stems high above the well-mulched strip. Yes! I do believe that we are going to have some beautiful May flowers.

This is not the kind of day that I wish to spend indoors behind a computer keyboard, so whether you forgive me or not, I think I’m going to delve into my grin bin and come up with something that will quickly fill the allotted space. So, here it is, a brainteaser.

Figure out what these seven words all have in common.

1. Banana 2. Dresser 3. Grammar          4. Potato 5. Revive 6. Uneven 7. Assess.

Are you peeking, or have you already given up? No, it is not that they all have at least two double letters. Why don’t you give it another try? Look at each word carefully. You’ll kick yourself when you discover the answer. If I catch you peeking, I’ll hold back the answer until next week, so police yourself.

While you are having a think, a thought, a thunk, or all three if need be, I think I’ll go check my incubators. I have another small batch of chicks pipping their eggs today, and I watch them closely to see if any of them need any help. Some of the eggs are from rather rare breeds, and I don’t relish unnecessary fatalities.

Meanwhile, out at the barn where the Boer goats hang out, the three sets of twins, which came into the world two weeks ago, are bouncing around like a bunch of bumble-bees in a bottle. They just can’t wait until the grass turns green and they get out in the sun and the freedom of the predator-fenced paddock.

While I leaned on the railing watching the goats, Stephen, our overfed barn cat (make sure you pronounce that with a PH), climbed up on a stall’s edge and presented me with a tiny caught mouse. As proud as he may feel with his presentation, I don’t think I’ll be adding mice, fresh caught or not, to my diet.

Answer: In all the words listed, if you take the first letter, place it at the end of the word, then spell the word backwards, it will be the same word. Don’t worry folks, I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that my editor didn’t get it without peeking either. Who’d have thunk it?

In case you have forgotten, this Sunday, April 28 is the Saugeen Valley Fur and Feather Show at the Mount Forest Fairgrounds. Come early, it is all over by noon.

Take care, ‘cause we care.





Barrie Hopkins
