Another wind farm protest set for Nov 27

The Whittington Coalition for our Right to a health environment (WCORHE) is holding a protest on Nov. 27 here at 10am.

The protest appears to be a growing movement across parts of Ontario where wind farms are being proposed.

Organizer Michel Chevalier said in a press release the protest is being planned to bring attention to the fact industrial wind turbines do not make good neighbors and that wind energy in fact may not be as “green” as it is touted to be by the wind energy industry and Dalton McGuinty’s Ontario  government.

Chevalier said WCORHE is yet another in a growing list of local community groups that are springing up across Ontario to discourage the rush to erect industrial wind turbines in a holus-bolus, indiscriminate, unplanned manner despite an ever growing body of knowledge that points to the turbines causing severe health problems, serious drops in property values, and serious harm to wildlife.

He said the group wants  to alert and educate the residents of Ontario and other jurisdictions in Canada and beyond about what is going on. The goal is to cause a halt to wind energy development until the adverse health effects are studied and recommendations are made as to what constitutes a safe setback.

The protest march will begin at Rotary Park on Second Avenue, head down 4th Street to Broadway, and the marchers will make stops at the Public Health Unit, and then continue on the the offices of MPP Sylvia Jones.

Marchers are hoping to receive some support from her and her Conservative Party.

WCORHE is a local community group that has come together to combat the proposed development of three industrial wind turbines in their corner of the rural farming Township of Amaranth, that would be close to human habitation.

The group is a member of Wind Concerns Ontario, a coalition of 51 community groups that have sprung up across Ontario to fight the rush to develop wind farms.  For more information, visigt

