Another municipality hears arguments against fortification bylaw

The idea of an anti-fortification bylaw in Well­ington County received some dubi­ous comments from the chief building offi­cial (CBO) in Centre Wellington on Mon­day.

CBO Bob Foster told coun­cil three municipalities in the county have considered and re­jected the draft bylaw, which has been under discussion for sev­eral years. The county’s Police Services Board is pro­posing the bylaw, but it would be approved by each of the lower tier municipalities in­stead of being passed at the county.

Foster said the idea behind it is to prevent biker gangs from fortifying club houses, but he noted that many businesses and homes with security sys­tems would also violate the draft bylaw as it is written. The county’s clerks and adminis­trators met with the Police Services Board, which is pro­posing the bylaw, to review sev­eral municipalities’ bylaws, and numerous amendments were proposed.

Foster said after that, chief building officials met with the board twice. Although the building inspectors support the general intent of the bylaw, they have a number of concerns about it.

He concluded, “Unfortu­nately, with only some minor exceptions, the majority of the concerns raised have not been adequately addressed in the final draft of the bylaw.”

Foster presented council with a list of concerns shar­ed by building officials.

Some of those include:

– it is unclear how CBOs would become aware of ex­cessive fortifications or protec­tive elements on properties unless they are readily visible from the street;

– getting a search warrant to permit entry of inspectors would be difficult without con­vincing evidence;

– there are no exemptions in the bylaw for security systems or measures in conjunction with operating a lawful busi­ness;

– no provisions for grand­father clauses for buildings not meeting the draft bylaw;

– CBOs want a list of examples of situations or re­ques­ted exemptions for businesses that would be granted variances or exemp­tions;

– for new construction, a municipal bylaw would have to be amended to require the sub­mission of drawings and speci­fications of all proposed secur­ity systems when applying for building permits;

– it is unclear if those draw­ings and specifications would fall under the Freedom of Infor­mation Act (meaning some­one could request the details of a building’s security measurers and the township might have to release them);

– concern the CBOs would have to fulfill the dual function of approval and enforcement, particularly with regard to ap­plications for exemptions (the CBOs suggest the Police Ser­vices Board has the ability to decide exemptions to the bylaw);

– a registry of fortified properties will have to be main­tained in case a property is sold and the fortifications are no longer required or allowed;

– investigations of viola­tions should be done by the OPP and not CBOs and their staff;

– the bylaw should include copies of the required exemp­tion forms, orders to comply, and a fee schedule for such permits and variance approv­als; and

– CBOs and the inspectors require special training to identify and distinguish be­tween permitted and non-com­pliant special security meas­ures.

Councillor Shawn Watters asked Foster how officials will balance property rights, and suggested the language in the draft bylaw is “vague.”

Foster said the CBOs asked the Police Services Board that question, and did not get an answer.

To underscore the problems, Foster pointed out that the township itself would not be in compliance with the bylaw as it is written. He cited the liquor store in Elora, owned by the township, which has bars on its windows.

He also stated that phar­macies that are often targets for thieves seeking drugs, and other businesses such as jewel­ry stores that need extra protection may not be in compliance.

He said later that the only buildings that received an automatic exemption in the draft were banks.

