Spring would not be spring without the Fergus Horticultural Society’s plant sale.
This year’s event will be held rain or shine at the stone house next to the Sportsplex on Belsyde Avenue in Fergus on May 14 8am to noon.
There is always an extensive collection of ornamental grasses, succulents, ground covers, daylilies, shade dwellers, and other perennial favourites.
The plants are selected from the society’s and member’s gardens. As in other years, the plants will be generously sized and reasonably priced. Among the attractions this year, will be many hybrid irises from the Terry Fox Park collection. Hostas from the society’s flagship, Templin Gardens, will also be available.
Many society members have large collections of perennials. At this time of year, they begin the task of thinning out their collections so that specific plants have more room to grow. Good gardeners know that all perennials should be divided every three to five years. Those extra plants are potted up and will also be available at the sale.
Gardeners are encouraged to come early for the best selection. They can also help the plant sale by dividing up some of their perennials. The society will gladly assist with the digging, potting, and picking up.
At the sale, society members will be on hand to assist people with their choices and answering gardening questions.
All sale proceeds go to support the work of the society, especially with beautification projects and donations to the community.
For further information call Kathy Bouma at 519-843-7703.