Donation – The Elora Gorge Animal Hospital has put together a box of medical supplies and is shipping it off to Ukraine to help doctors treating people wounded in the war. Dr. Linda Franchetto, who owns the clinic, said it was a colleague who heard about British Veterinary Professionals for Ukraine and decided to form Canadian Veterinarians for Ukraine to do the same kind of work.
“This is to help with the human effort,” Franchetto said, adding the supplies she has donated – gauze, IV catheters, saline, antibiotics – “are all human grade stuff. We want to save animals too but we must help the people.”
The organization is reaching out to veterinarians across Canada asking for antibiotics to treat infection in animals or people, wound care supplies, surgery supplies, and tranexamic acid used on greyhounds, which may slow the bleeding of soldiers and civilians. Out of date medical supplies and old bandages are also welcome.
“These supplies have been directly requested and will be transported directly to the front lines,” reads a statement on the Canadian Veterinarians for Ukraine Facebook page. More information can be found there as well..