Alma WI pays tribute to Canadian women

The Alma Women’s Institute held its March meeting at the Alma Community Hall with 13 members present. 


The theme for the meeting was history. Six biographies of women listed in the  MacLeans magazine article “25 Canadians who inspired the world” were read by Enid Whale, Ruth Grose and Helen Moffat. March 8 was International Women’s Day and these six women, Pauline Johnson, Dame Emma Albine, Louise Arbour, Dr. Leonora, Margaret Atwood, Lucy Maude Montgomery and our local lady, Jean Little from Guelph, were featured.

The business meeting was conducted by President Lenora Arbuckle and Assistant-Secretary Margaret Hall in absence of  secretary Wilma Snowe.

Donations were given to three local fairs: Drayton, Fergus and Arthur.

Each member shared  a  favourite recipe  from  our mothers. The Women’s Institute  planned a Community Euchre at the Alma Community Hall  with proceeds from the evening going to support the CT scanner at Groves hospital in Fergus.

Lunch was served by Thelma Bosomworth and Bessie Bosomworth. A social time was enjoyed by all.

