The Alma Women’s Institute gathered on July 18 for a meeting that included a mystery tour planned by president Helen Moffat.
The first stop was Reapers of Hope at Moorefield. This plant is part of Christian Aid Ministries, a charity group that produces products for overseas mission work. They receive vegetables from businesses, farmers, restaurants, etc. and make dried soup products. Many volunteers help three days a week now (mornings only) to process the products.
The second stop was Floral and Hardy gardens, south of Drayton near Hollen. They have approximately 3,000 lilies, different varieties, and approximately 900 different hostas, in 63 flower beds. Everything is labelled and records kept in a computer.
Lunch was at the president’s home in Mapleton. Plans were made for the group’s exhibit at the Drayton Fair, Aug. 9.
The next meeting is Sept. 19 at the Highland Manor in Fergus at 1:30 p.m. Any ladies from the Alma community are welcome.