Councillor Barb Tocher recently told council of the work of the let’s get Hillsburgh growing committee.
She advised councillors to set aside Aug. 20, which is the Family Fun Day in Hillsburgh, in conjunction with the Lions Club.
The committee puts on a fundraiser for the Lions, the flower planters, and the community signs.
She said the group also contacts local businesses to contribute towards the flower baskets and signs.
“We have been successful enough this year raising money to order 18 more of the metal signs.”
While she said it would be great to have them up by Aug. 20, Tocher said it will likely be autumn before they are finished.
When asked if there are any green signs, Tocher said the signs would be orange, red, and yellow. “Those are the colours they are.”
Tocher said her preference would have be red, white, and blue, “and that didn’t work out either. We don’t always get what we want [working with a committee for a consensus].”